Wednesday, 2 April 2008

News from Nick - Stage 3

Despite the very long day, Nick still found time to write an email yesterday evening!! They sound in good spirits and ready to tackle day 4:
Hello! So another day succesfully completed and maybe our best stage as we finished 2nd & 3rd in our tent :) It was 45+ degs again. We cleared another 25kms of stunning sand dunes, they are amazing. We then climbed a very steep mountain in the middle of the day, which gave a beautiful view over the dunes we had crossed, if only I could send photos! Ben and I have been keeping it steady getting ready for tomorrows big one, we're hoping it will be our strongest, its 75kms. A quick word on kit, food wise I wouldnt want any less, so thank goodness I didnt ditch any! However the GPS did go back in suitcase, so no positions I'm afraid. I got lots of messages last night which was brilliant, thank u everyone it really does help.

There are some videos of the stage here so you can check out the conditions - mostly sand and rock!

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